Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
You can view Grove Learning Trust’s full Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy by clicking the link below:
You can view our Accessibility Plan by clicking on the link below:
Advancing Equality of Opportunity
As set out in the DfE guidance on the Equality Act, Oakhurst Community Primary School - as a member school of Grove Learning Trust - aims to advance equality of opportunity by:
- Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people which are connected by a particular characteristic they have (e.g. pupils with disabilities, or gay pupils who are being subjected to homophobic bullying)
- Taking steps to meet the particular needs of people who have a particular characteristic (e.g. enabling Muslim pupils to pray at prescribed times)
- Encouraging people who have a particular characteristic to participate fully in any activities (e.g. encouraging all pupils to be involved in the full range of school societies)
The school recognises that it is also unlawful to discriminate by association or perception. For example, treating a pupil unfairly based on the Protected Characteristics of their parents or other family members.
The following protected characteristics, as per the The Equality Act 2010:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- religion or belief
- sex sexual orientation
This statement recognises the four types of unlawful behaviour
- Direct discrimination
- Indirect discrimination
- Harassment
- Victimisation
Oakhurst Community Primary School will endeavour to ensure individuals are treated fairly and decisions are based on objective criteria.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement and Objectives
Oakhurst Community Primary School will ensure that equal opportunities and the principles of fairness underpin all aspects of our practice and are committed to equality in its delivery of education, whether or not a service is directly provided by us or via a third-party contractor.
We will make every effort in creating equality of opportunity to ensure services are accessible and fair to everyone. Every individual has the right to be treated fairly, regardless of a particular characteristic they may have. The Trust will adhere to statutory Government legislation and give consideration to other relevant guidance, which aim to make sure that everyone is treated with equity.
As part of Grove Learning Trust, the school will not tolerate any form of discriminatory behaviour against members of the trust or school community.
Objective 1
We will provide high quality education and ensure our services are easily accessible and will improve what we do by continuing to consult with stakeholders (for example, through pupil and staff surveys, liaison with and inclusion of local communities in school activities).
Evidence base:
- Ongoing curriculum monitoring, review and development
- Seeking pupil voice as part of monitoring arrangements
- Liaison with external agencies as part of our commitment to inclusion
- For a closer look at our inclusive practices, navigate to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities page
Objective 2
Our staff, trustees and governors who collectively deliver our education provision will recognise diversity and demonstrate a proactive approach in their practice. They will ensure that everyone is treated fairly, recognising special needs and understanding differences.
Evidence base:
- The school’s bespoke curriculum offer in relation to Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) encourages the celebration of difference
- For a closer look at how this is achieved, navigate to the Curriculum page
- The school’s Behaviour Policy ensures the fair treatment of all pupils.
- For a closer look behaviour, navigate to the Behaviour at Oakhurst page
Objective 3
We will uphold high standards of conduct / behaviour (staff and pupils) and the environment we provide will be safe and accessible for all. Where necessary, reasonable adjustments will be made, or additional support provided to ensure everyone has equality of access to an education and suitable working environment.
Evidence base:
- The school’s Behaviour Policy encourages aspirational thinking around pupils’ behaviour and the promotion of this
- For a closer look behaviour, navigate to the Behaviour at Oakhurst page
- The Grove Learning Trust ‘Code of Conduct’ ensures that staff have high standards of their own behaviour
- For a closer look at this document, navigate to the Grove Learning Trust Policies page
EAL Admissions and Ongoing Support
How can I find out more?
We are always more than happy to help.
If you have any queries, or you would like to find out more, please use the Enquiry Form found by navigating to the ‘Contact Us‘ tab on the main menu. Alternatively, you can direct your query to admin@oakhurst.swindon.sch.uk and we will put you in contact with the relevant member of staff.