Oakhurst Community Primary School


Oakhurst Community Primary School is part a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) called Grove Learning Trust (GLT).  Please click the link below to visit the GLT website:

Grove Learning Trust

As an academy that is part of Grove Learning trust, Oakhurst Community Primary School has an academy committee made up of staff, parents and people from the community which is overseen by the trust's members and trustees.  

Academy Committee governors are expected to champion and hold the leadership team to account for its performance through effective support and challenge. They operate as one body, as a committee of the Board of Trustees, which is the trust's legal governing body. Each Academy Committee is accountable to the Board of Trustees through the Board's committees - Resources, Audit and Risk (RAR) and Standards & Performance (S&P). Governors are appointed by the Academy Committee after appropriate elections or recruitment processes.

The governors at academy committee level champion and hold the academy leadership team to account for the performance of the academy. They operate as one body, as a committee of the Board of Directors, which is the trust's Governing Body. Each Academy Committee is accountable to the Board of Directors via the Board of Directors’ committees - Resources, Audit and Risk (RAR) and Standards & Performance (S&P). Governors are appointed by the Board of Directors after appropriate elections or recruitment processes that will be run by the relevant academy committee.

The Academy Committee Members

Type of Governor Name End of Term
Head Teacher Lizzie Christopher N/A
Chair of Governors Jonathan Howard 07.11.27
Staff Elected Eve Reynolds 31.08.27
Co-Opted Governor Lucy Vine 04.11.27
Co-Opted Governor Rachel Loxston 10.10.26
Clerk to the Governors Heather Large N/A

Declarations of Interest

oakhurst governing body constitution declarations of interest september 2024.pdf

 Academy Committee Attendance

ac oakhurst attendance 23 24.pdf

GLT  Scheme of delegation 

glt scheme of delegation 24 25 1 .pdf

Terms of Reference

glt terms of reference academy committee 24 25.pdf

Additional Documents

If you have a question or any feedback for the Governors at Oakhurst Community Primary School, please contact:


If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, please email:


Annual Governance Statement